All tattoos are spiritual. That might sound bold or even controversial, but let me explain. Tattooing is more than just ink in the skin; it’s an intimate dance between the physical and the metaphysical because we are both human and spirit.
If your heart beats, you’re spiritual. It’s the simplest way I can say it. No-one actually knows what makes the heart spontaneously start ticking. When you mark your skin, you’re expressing an aspect of your spiritual existence through your physical being. You might be fully aware of this connection, or perhaps you’re just beginning to awaken to the spiritual reality of your experience.
I’m not here to convince you of anything or prove a point. Let’s move forward with the understanding that you already acknowledge spirit on some level and that your tattoo journey is about expressing that connection. That’s why you’re reading this.
My goal is to help you navigate the process, the connection between your spirit and your tattoo – because, trust me, they’re intrinsically intertwined.
Spirit vs. Soul
Before we get into it, let’s take a moment to address a common question: What’s the difference between spirit and soul? Two concepts often used interchangeably but which hold distinct meanings in this context. Even though we are speaking to them individually here, neither can exist in isolation.
- Spirit is often considered the collective life spark, it’s the part of you that connects with the universal field of energy. It’s sentient and it’s the essence of life that flows through everything. It’s not “your” spirit, separate from everyone elses. You’re the custodian of an allocation of spirit, what will you do with it?
- Soul, on the other hand, is more personal. It’s the unique expression of spirit that exists within your human. Your soul carries your experiences, your memories, your individual essence, potentially even linking you to your entire genealogical imprint as well. You are the crest of the holographic fractal wave of your ancestry through time.
A tattoo is a physical imprint of your spiritual journey and your soul’s story. It’s a reflection of where you are in this lifetime, and it’s a connection to the larger, collective experience of spirit. Understanding this distinction allows us to appreciate how tattoos can serve as bridges between our individual souls and the universal spirit.
A Blueprint
Life is spiritual, tattoos are the blueprints of our soul. Every act you take, every decision you make is intertwined with your spirit. Whether you’re aware of it or not.
There’s no such thing as a tattoo that isn’t spiritual – it’s just that some tattoos are done unconsciously, and the person getting tattooed may be unaware of the significance of their actions, on a daily basis.
It’s not uncommon to hear people dismiss tattoos as meaningless, just drawings on skin, but when you understand life as a spiritual journey, the act of tattooing takes on a whole new dimension. Even the seemingly random or regrettable tattoos carry significance – bearing weight on your movement through time.
When I first started tattooing, I didn’t have much awareness of this layer. I understood the concept of spirit, sure. I knew the word, but I didn’t know spirit, in the way that you only understand when you’ve made contact with it.
Spirit, in its true sense, is like touching a vast, unified field of intelligence, intuition and instinct all combined, beyond the physical. It humbles you, and in that humility, you realise just how little you actually know.
In that moment, you begin to understand that life, like tattooing, is about transformation, and marking that transformation on the skin is the biggest acknowledgment of spirit you can make. It says “I am here, I am aware” it may be to remember, give thanks, provide guidance, etc.
If you question if it truly is such a big deal, let me ask you this: What else, other than your body, do you truly own? That can’t be taken from you? Where else could you record something that is more personal, more permanent?

From Unconscious to Conscious
So here we are, at this pivotal point in your life – where you feel called to get a “spiritual tattoo.” This is a key marker in your development. You’ve moved from one state of awareness (where maybe you were unaware of spirit) to another, more awakened state, and you want to mark that shift.
There’s something deeply natural and organic about it. Human beings have been marking spiritual milestones on their bodies for millennia. Tattooing has always been a way to record shifts in consciousness, states of growth, and stages of life. In fact they were used intentionally to promote the very experience of physical and spiritual development, different aspects of the same process.
But here’s where things get tricky…
In our contemporary global culture, our worldview is fragmented. We don’t live in a unified way that embraces spirit as a collective truth. We’re divided into nations, religions, subcultures, and even individual personal belief systems.
More and more division. Less and less connection.
Within that fragmented world, tattooing has become largely commercialised – an individualistic act more often than a communally recognised one.
So now, when people seek spiritual tattoos, they often do so in an environment that isn’t designed for it. The tattoo industry, as it stands today, is a subculture that operates largely in the mainstream, but it’s still deeply individualistic.
“Spiritual Tattoos” in Modern Culture
Most people getting spiritual tattoos today are trying to express something personal – something about their individual journey. They often get symbols that represent this stage of awakening, like a lotus or a chakra, or something “channelled” and those symbols serve as a snapshot of their experience or environment at that specific moment in time.
But here’s the catch: that moment of awakening is just that – a moment. As time unfolds, you will continue to grow and evolve, and the meaning behind that symbol may not hold up in the same way. Your spiritual journey is far from over.
Imagine if we had a guiding system, a map passed down through generations, instructing us on how to receive tattoos that align with our spiritual journey. Such tattoos would not only symbolise personal growth but also weave us into a larger narrative, connecting us with collective wisdom and guiding us toward future evolutions.
Without such a system, many of us are left to our own devices, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it does require more forethought. Your spiritual tattoo is part of an ongoing story – a story of your soul’s evolution. It’s not the end of the journey; it’s just one marker along the way.
Case Study: The Seeker’s Path
Let me share a story – a composite of numerous encounters I’ve had over the years.
A client once contacted me, her excitement palpable even through the email. She had a Pinterest board brimming with lotus flowers, chakras, and intricate light language symbols. She told me she wanted something spiritual.
As we spoke, it became clear that while she was earnest in her seeking, the symbols she had chosen were outward expressions of current influences on her personal journey. There was a yearning for transformation, but the symbols felt more like a brochure of spirituality than a reflection of who she truly was.
I gently challenged her perspective. I explained that a tattoo is a journey with spirit. It’s not about adopting symbols of “spirituality”; it’s about embodying spirit. Sometimes, the tattoo is just the start of the process. Without foresight, we can pick symbols that become incongruent with our future selves. I suggest that we just draw something – working together to construct the appropriate design.
There was a pause—a moment of introspection. Finally, she said, “That’s exactly what I’m after. I just didn’t have the words and couldn’t find an example of it.”
I continued to explain the predicament our contemporary tattoo culture is producing. We don’t have a guide for how to do this yet.
Together, we continued to discuss her path so far, eventually crafting a tattoo that wasn’t just a symbol but a process marking her personal transformation—a moment that would grow with her and continue to offer direction through the chapters of her life.
Symbolic Meaning
This brings us to the question of symbols. People often look for symbols that represent their connection to spirit, rather than the act itself representing that connection. So really its doesn’t matter what you get, its more important to focus on why your getting it. But you have to get something, so before you settle on a design, it’s worth taking a step back to consider the meaning behind those symbols.
Universal Symbols
There are countless spiritual symbols from various traditions, but it’s important to choose one that resonates deeply with you. Many symbols are tied to specific religious or cultural contexts, which can create division rather than unity. If you’re looking for something that transcends any one belief system – the use of geometry can be profoundly meaningful, as shapes often carry universal significance. Let’s look at four powerful geometric symbols that are timeless and unifying in their nature:
- The Circle: Representing wholeness, the circle is a universal symbol of unity and infinity. It’s simple yet profound and can remind us of the cyclical nature of life and the interconnectedness of all beings.

- The Triangle: Often associated with balance and harmony. With its three sides, it can represent the triad of mind, body, and spirit or past, present, and future. It’s a symbol of strength and stability.

- The Spiral: A symbol of expansion and growth, the spiral speaks to the journey of the soul as it evolves and unfolds over time. It’s a powerful reminder that the spiritual journey is never linear but full of twists and turns.

- The Mandala: A geometric figure representing the universe. The earth is a living mandala and so is your experience of it. It’s used in various spiritual traditions as a tool for focusing attention and establishing a sacred space.

I could write an article on each of these shapes. Maybe I will. They transcend religious or cultural boundaries, offering a way to connect to universal truths without the risk of appropriation or baggage of specific dogmas or creeds.
There’s nothing inherently wrong with expressing a specific cultural or religious belief through a tattoo – particularly if you’re from that culture or a devotee of a particular religion. However, in the early stages of spiritual development, it’s crucial not to cling too tightly to symbols that belong to a particular tradition if they don’t deeply resonate with your lived experience.
The beauty of universal symbols is that they unify. They remind us that, at our core, we are all part of the same journey, seeking connection and meaning in our own ways. Choose something that can grow with you, allowing for continued exploration and deeper understanding as you move forward in your journey.
Your Responsibility
When you choose to get a tattoo, because of its spiritual significance, you’re entering into a sacred contract. This is not just about adorning your body with ink; it’s about committing to a deeper spiritual journey. The tattoo is a mark of where you are in your evolution, but it’s also a reminder that there is much more to come.
Here’s the thing: a tattoo doesn’t make you spiritual. It’s not a badge that you earn for completing a course or reaching a certain level of awareness. It’s a reflection of the path you’re on, but the real work happens in your day-to-day life. A tattoo can serve as a powerful reminder of that work, but it can’t do the work for you.
In my experience, many people approach spiritual tattoos as if they’re a destination – as if getting the tattoo will somehow grant them access to a higher state of being in that moment. But the reality is that the tattoo is just a marker, a symbol of the journey you’re already on. The true transformation happens in real-time, through your actions, your choices, and your willingness to keep growing. The true destination is still on the horizon.
Tattoos as Initiation
Often tattoos function as initiatory marks, signalling a new stage of life, growth, or understanding. The first tattoo you get – whether or not you recognise it at the time – carries a level of initiation. But it’s important to ask: what are you initiating yourself into?
A traditional initiation requires a community or a tradition to give it context. If you don’t have access to that, you can still have a meaningful tattoo experience. It just means that you’re taking responsibility for the process in a way that might not be as guided as traditional initiations. This is where intention and self-responsibility come in.
Self-responsibility is one of the core pillars at Tattoo Pathway. It’s about taking ownership of your choices, your journey, and your motivations. A tattoo isn’t just a spiritual experience; it’s a process, a contract with yourself to keep growing, to keep learning, and to honour the stage you’re in.
The Role of Ceremony
Ceremonies have always been a central part of marking spiritual growth in traditional cultures. Long before written language, ceremonies were the primary way of transferring knowledge, connecting with spirit, and uniting communities. These ceremonies weren’t just about the individual; they were communal experiences that reinforced the bonds between people, spirit, and the cosmos.
In indigenous cultures, tattooing was often part of a larger ceremonial framework. The act of marking the body wasn’t done in isolation – it was part of a sacred process that included rites, rituals, and teachings passed down through generations. The symbols and designs used in these tattoos carried deep meaning that extended far beyond the individual; they were woven into the fabric of the community’s spiritual beliefs.
Contrast that with today, where most tattooing is done in commercial settings, often devoid of any significant or communal context. While it’s still possible to create your own meaningful ritual around tattooing, we are, in many ways, disconnected from the deeper traditions that once informed these practices and as a result likely to make a parody in our attempt.
A Lifelong Journey
One of the most important points we emphasise at Tattoo Pathway, is that your tattoo’s are part of an ongoing story. Your spiritual journey doesn’t end the moment your tattoo heals; that’s just the beginning. The tattoo becomes a reminder, a symbol of where you were at the time, but it also evolves with you as you continue to grow.
Even tattoos that seem like mistakes or that you no longer resonate with can be valuable. They’re part of your soul’s blueprint, and they serve as markers of your path. If you’re paying attention, these “mistakes” can teach you just as much, if not more, than the tattoos you intentionally get.
At the end of the day, the most important aspect of getting a “spiritual tattoo” is the intention behind it. Tattoos have power because the internal becomes the external. They’re a physical manifestation of an inner experience, a way of marking the body to reflect the journey of the soul.
Before you get a any tattoo, ask yourself: What do you hope to gain from this experience? What stage of your journey are you marking? How will this tattoo serve as a reminder of the work you still have to do?
Set your intention with care, and choose symbols and designs that will grow with you. Understand that the tattoo is not the destination; it’s just one marker along the way. Each marker serving as a navigational aid (another one of our pillars), allowing you to see where you’e been and where your going.
We have an entire section allocated to the understanding and curation of a well rounded intention within our fundamentals course.
Choosing a Tattooist
The person you choose to tattoo you plays a crucial role in your tattoo process. It isn’t just about the symbol you select or the intention you set; it’s also about the energy and experience of the person conducting the process. The right person can help facilitate a sacred process that aligns with your values, intentions, and growth.
If you’re pursuing a “spiritual tattoo”, consider working with someone who shares your perspective on life and spirituality. For example, if you are in a pursuit of personal development, finding a tattoo artist who is doing or has already done the same will create a deeper connection between you, the tattoo, and the process.
That’s one of the reasons we’re so passionate about what we do at Tattoo Pathway. We recognise the importance of creating a clean, conscious process for those seeking spiritual tattoos. If you ever need guidance, feel free to reach out, ask us any questions. We’re committed to this layer of tattooing and go above and beyond for those we work with.
Hidden Snares on Your Spiritual Path
At some point on your spiritual journey, you’re likely to encounter fraudsters—those who might exploit your openness and trust, especially when you’re first breaking free from societal conditioning. Tattooing is no different. If you searched for “spiritual tattoo ideas” and ended up here, it’s “synchronistic” sure — also you’ve avoided the tangled web of commercialised spiritual tattooing that’s spreading rapidly online as its appeal grows.
Be cautious: the self-appointed ceremonialists, gurus, and priestesses of our time may have their sights set on your skin.
Conclusion: The True Power
A “spiritual tattoo” can be any tattoo, you’re just aware of its spiritual significance. It’s a contract with yourself and something beyond yourself, a reminder of your journey, and a commitment to keep growing and evolving. Whether you choose a universal symbol or something deeply personal, the key is to approach the process with intention, self-responsibility, and an open heart.
At Tattoo Pathway, we’re here to help guide you through this process. Our approach goes beyond the surface, creating a space where you can truly connect with the deeper meaning within your tattoo, old or new.
If this resonates with you, and you’re open to learning more, dissolving artificial versions of yourself, and ultimately being dignified in your story, your markings, and your beauty, we invite you to take your first step with our Fundamentals Course.
Remember, your tattoo is a reflection of your soul’s story. Honour it with the respect, care, and intention it deserves. Don’t be scared, keep growing, let the old version go, walk the path.